Does your company encourage your employees to have healthy habits? If you’ve been looking for a way to invest in your workers, setting up a wellness program is one of the best ways you can get a return on your investment. Not only are you promoting health, but you can also improve employee morale, overall productivity, and reduce your healthcare costs. Here are some tips on how to get started:
Encourage change at the office. If you think about it, your employees spend the majority of their waking hours in your workplace. Why not make it a better place? Put healthier snack and drink options in the vending machines. Hang signs encouraging people to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Hold a pedometer competition to encourage everyone to take more steps in a day. You can get as creative as you want as long as you encourage healthy behavior.
Encourage bigger lifestyle changes. Not all habits happen at the office. Why not start a smoking cessation program to encourage your employees to stop using tobacco products? You can also encourage bigger changes by holding health fairs with free screening for your employees. Blood tests can screen for high cholesterol, and there are several risk assessments that can be done to predict someone’s likelihood of developing cancer or other serious diseases.
Reward good choices. Once your employees start making good decisions, make sure you reinforce them in fun ways. You can give out healthy gifts like pedometers or company water bottles, or something more tempting like an afternoon off of their choice. You can even incorporate healthy rewards into the workday by hosting a healthy potluck or sponsoring a charity bike ride with prizes for whichever employees raise the most money.
Looking for more ways to improve your employee retention and keep your turnover low? Working with an expert at Burnett’s Staffing is one of the best ways to keep your office operating smoothly. Call us today for help with staffing in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex.