8 Signs That It Might Be Time to Quit Your Job

In Employment Help by adminburnettsLeave a Comment

signs to quit your job

The very fact that you’re thinking about quitting your job might be evidence alone to do so, but what might be influencing your thoughts—and, ultimately, what might have you thinking it’s time to move on? Like any relationship, quitting isn’t easy, especially when you’ve worked at a particular job for so long and have built your life around it. It might be necessary, however. But, wondering, “Should I quit my job?” doesn’t necessarily mean you should. To help you navigate through this difficult time and to alleviate some of the stress, here are eight signs that indicate it might be time to finally move on.


Stress at work is fine. In fact, it’s to be expected—and can even be sparingly beneficial. But if it starts to take a prolonged and seemingly never-ending toll on your body, then it might be time to start looking elsewhere. Many people handle stress differently, so use your best judgment here. No matter how much work-related stress you can or can’t handle, it becomes a serious problem that needs immediate addressing when you’re at your mental, physical, and emotional breaking point. It’s important to tackle the issue before it metamorphosizes into something that boasts dangerous repercussions such as depression and even unemployment.


If you find yourself putting off projects at work and you’re intentionally falling behind, you’re most likely no longer interested and are mentally on your way out–if not mentally checked out already. To be sure, people procrastinate for many different reasons, but the moment you avoid working because of anxiety or stress, there’s a problem. You should enjoy what you do, and procrastination (intentional or otherwise) is a sure sign that you no longer do.


If you’re unhappy at work, it’s going to reflect both at the workplace (in how you communicate with your co-workers and the quality of your work) and in just about every other area of your life from personal relationships to how you think about yourself. As such, if you can’t stand your current position or company, it’s recommended to start circulating your resume. If money is what’s keeping you around (and it’s what keeps most people around), don’t sell yourself short. You’ll likely be able to find similar pay—if not better pay—elsewhere.

is it time you quit your job


You might have been told during the hiring process that the particular company you now work for loves to promote within, but as it turns out—some few years later—there’s not much room for advancement. Now you’re stuck. And even worse, despite your best efforts and regular success, you’re stuck in an unfavorable position—a position you took because advancement seemed likely at the outset. It’s time to leave. Nobody wants to be one of the lower rungs of a ladder, and certainly, nobody wants to stay there. Growth, or more specifically promotional advancement, is a fundamentally important component to any career and if your current employer isn’t keen on the idea, then staying with the company isn’t going to benefit you—either developmentally or financially. Instead, take the initiative and apply elsewhere for the position you deserve.


If your employer doesn’t value your opinion, then they don’t value you—it’s that simple. Don’t get the wrong idea, however. An opinion is exactly that: an opinion. Your employer doesn’t have to put action into your every recommendation, but they should nevertheless listen to what you (and your co-workers) have to say. If you’re terrified that expressing your opinion about work at work is going to land you in hot water, then it might be time to hand in your letter of resignation.

my job is going down hill


It’s easier and wiser to find work when you have it—don’t wait until it’s too late. If your current employer is on the way out, you should be too. It’s unfortunate for everyone involved, but a sinking ship only takes on more water. Grab your life raft or a piece of driftwood and swim for safety lest you find yourself stranded, drowning in the vast sea of unemployment with no sign of land in sight.


Any career is not without its pros and cons, but if you’re suffocating under the weight of work-related negativity, more than just your work performance is at risk. If you find yourself in a situation where the list of cons keeps growing, day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year while the pros remain constant, then it might be time to consider other options.


Taking pride in one’s work is important. However, if talking about work, whether at a party with friends or a bar with strangers, embarrasses you, then it might be time to consider a career change. Not all jobs are “glamorous, ” and not everyone has the luxury of having certain career opportunities, but you should nevertheless take pride in whatever it is you do, regardless of what it is–you’ll be happier in life for it.



No matter what you decide to do, whether you choose to stay or leave, just make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons—whatever those may be. We recognize that each case is unique and although every sign to quit your job is present, it’s still—in all likelihood—in your best interest to stick it out until you’ve secured employment elsewhere. Under very rare circumstances would we ever recommend quitting your job without having one lined up. If you’re seriously thinking about quitting and need immediate help, then consider an employment agency such as Burnett’s Staffing to help you set goals, stay focused, and find the right place for you. For more information, contact us online or over the phone. If you’re ready, we’re ready. Together, let’s get you started on a new career path today.

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