What Is the Triple Peak Day and Its Impact on Work?

In Recruiting by Reagan Miller

What Is the Triple Peak Day and Its Impact on Work?

What Is the Triple Peak Day and Its Impact on Work?

Professional consultants share various options for boosting productivity. One tactic that’s popular and effective is the Triple Peak Day. Keep reading to learn what it is and its impact on work.

Defining the Concept of the Triple Peak Day and Its Importance

The Triple Peak Day is a productivity hack that provides insights into better work management by breaking down the day into three parts. It’s a useful tactic, especially for employees who work long hours or are struggling to manage their workload. We further break down the definition and the importance of this tactic below.


The Triple Peak Day is a working methodology that involves dividing the day into three distinct sections. These sections are called the Peak Zones, each of which represents a different time period of the day that has a varying level of energy and productivity.

The first peak zone is typically the early morning, the second is the mid-to-late morning and the third is in the afternoon.


Preparing for the day according to peak zones provides a useful framework for the workplace. It encourages workers to adjust their working schedules according to the most productivity-enhancing time periods and allows employers to plan events such as meetings and deadlines accordingly.

Understanding the Three Pillars of the Triple Peak Day

It’s one thing to know that employees often experience peak zones in the early morning, mid-to-late morning, and afternoon. However, we need to dig further into these peak zones to better understand how they affect business.

Early Morning

The early morning peak zone is typically from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. This is when most people are likely to be the most productive. This peak zone is when we first wake up, and our bodies have had the recommended amount of rest, refreshment, and relaxation. This is also the time when most of us can get things done before the rest of the day unfolds. Usually, employees can do their most important tasks during this peak as they have a clear head and less distractions.

Mid-to-Late Morning

The second pillar is the mid-to-late morning peak zone, typically from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. During this time, many employees find themselves losing steam, which can affect their work productivity. To combat these feelings, many organizational experts recommend that employees eat a light snack or exercise during their break time.


The third and final pillar is the afternoon peak zone typically from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. After lunch employees can feel a bit sluggish, with the post-meal lull kicking in. The key to working through this low point is to engage in some refreshing activities, such as taking a power nap, engaging in light communication or walking, or doing some deep breathing exercises. Employees should devote themselves to tasks that require less mental energy as this is when focus tends to diminish.

Exploring Employer and Employee Benefits

Now that we’re aware of the details of the different peak zones, or pillars, we can explore the benefits of accommodating them. While you may want to focus on simply increasing employee productivity throughout the day, focusing on these zones and their benefits helps you keep a realistic mindset.

Employer Benefits

The Triple Peak Day offers several advantages for employers. For starters, this technique has been shown to increase productivity and creativity. By splitting the day into three distinct zones, you can create more realistic expectations and deadlines for your employees. You can also schedule events such as meetings and breaks accordingly, so you know everyone present is using their time to the best of their ability.

Additionally, this method can improve employee morale and job satisfaction. You’re taking them into consideration when you use this tactic, helping them feel seen and appreciated.

Employee Benefits

From an employee perspective, the Triple Peak Day offers several benefits as well. By dividing the day into three parts, employees can better manage their workload and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Personal workload management can lead to less stress and anxiety, and ultimately better mental health.

This method can also help employees achieve a better work-life balance. By working during peak productivity times and taking breaks during non-peak times, employees can adjust their schedule to fit their personal and family needs. This can lead to higher job satisfaction and better overall wellness.

Incorporating Triple Peak into Your Workday Routine

Seeing the benefits on paper is great, but we all know that paper theories don’t perfectly translate to real life. You can try the following strategies for incorporating this method into your workday routine for employees.

Initiate the Process Yourself

The best way to start incorporating Triple Peak tactics into workday routines is to initiate the process. Arrange your tasks according to the peak zones. Schedule meetings for the morning when everyone is feeling fresh and energized. Provide healthy, energizing snacks for everyone in the midmorning. Take a break in the afternoon for a short, energizing walk and invite others to join.

Rearrange the Office

Since the day’s schedule has different zones, you can rearrange your office to accommodate those zones. For example, if mornings are best for meetings, then host meetings in an area that receives a lot of natural light. Organize the break room kitchen so snacks are easy to find. Add an exercise area with equipment such as a treadmill or yoga mats so people can get active even when the weather is bad outside.

Explain and Answer Questions

If your business decides to implement a company-wide Triple Peak schedule, then you need to explain this implementation to your employees. People who already know about these zones may quickly champion the change, while unfamiliar people may feel more cautious. They will probably have questions about the peak zones and how planning for these zones will affect their personal schedules. Take the time to answer these questions so employees see the benefits and want to participate in this change.

Recruiting Triple Peak Employees

While a well-organized announcement can prepare current employees for using the Triple Peak tactic, you’ll need to recruit future employees who you know can follow this system. A recruiting agency can help you find the right people, but you can also look for the following qualities in potential hires.

Work-Life Balance

Employees who can understand and follow the different productivity peaks throughout the day often showcase good work-life balance skills. They know when and how to take productive breaks, as well as how to rest well during their off time so they can work well during the workday. You can see evidence of a good work-life balance in previous work experience and extracurricular activities.

Offer Flexible Work

Employees who know about their own productivity peaks, as well as the Triple Peak tactic, will seek flexible working arrangements. When you offer flexible arrangements such as flexible hours or work-from-home, you will attract the employees you want.

The Triple Peak Day is a tactic for productivity zoning and its impact on work has widespread benefits for you and your employees. If you need help finding employees who understand this tactic and will bring their best productivity to your team, contact Burnett’s Staffing. We’re proud to be a top-level recruiting agency committed to finding the best people for you.

What Is the Triple Peak Day and Its Impact on Work?