3 Tips for Managing Personal Anxiety in the Workplace

In Employment Help by Reagan Miller

3 Tips for Managing Personal Anxiety in the Workplace

3 Tips for Managing Personal Anxiety in the Workplace

Many people experience anxiety in the workplace. We all face various levels of pressure, deadlines, and responsibility that can trigger feelings of stress and anxiety. However, learning how to manage anxiety so it doesn’t take over our lives is essential. We provide three tips below for managing personal anxiety in the workplace. These tips are practical and easy to implement, and they will make a significant difference in how you cope with anxiety at work.

Schedule Breaks Into Your Workday

Taking breaks seems counterproductive when you’re trying to meet deadlines. However, taking short breaks during the workday can make a massive difference when it comes to managing anxiety.

If you tend to work for long hours, schedule short breaks into your workday that will help you relax and recharge. You can take a walk outside or listen to calming music. These breaks will allow you to disconnect and shift your focus, leading to better concentration and reduced stress levels.

Even if you work part-time, schedule breaks. People who do physical labor should rest their bodies and do something to activate their minds, like reading a few pages of a book. If your work requires a lot of mental labor, do something physical, like stretching.

Practice Mindful Breathing

Anxiety can make it challenging to feel relaxed and focused, which can affect your productivity. If you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, calm yourself down with mindful breathing.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a few seconds, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Deep breathing can calm your mind, reduce physical symptoms of anxiety, and help you gain control over your thoughts.

Set Realistic Goals

One of the reasons people experience anxiety at work is because they feel overwhelmed by the workload. Setting daily, weekly, and monthly goals can help you feel more organized and reduce anxiety. Break down your projects into smaller tasks, prioritize your work, and set realistic deadlines. This will help you avoid procrastination, feel more in control, and ultimately reduce anxiety levels.

You may also feel anxiety at work as you contemplate your entire career. Set realistic career goals for yourself that you can achieve in your current role. Create a career plan that involves new roles that can help you continue to grow professionally. Having a plan with realistic goals can help curb career anxiety.

To effectively manage personal anxiety in the workplace, incorporate these three tips into your routine. Implementing these strategies can help reduce anxiety, increase productivity, and prioritize your mental health. If you need help managing career anxiety and want a new role, Burnett’s Staffing is here for you. We offer staffing services in the Dallas–Fort Worth area so you can achieve your realistic goals and follow an anxiety-reducing career plan.