Burnett's Staffing, Inc.


unusual interview questions

How to Answer Unusual Interview Questions

  Things can get a little discouraging when you don’t know what to say in response to an interview question—let alone an odd one. One of the best ways to answer weird interview questions is to understand why hiring managers ask them in the first place. Unusual Questions Explained  We’ve

temp agency

Temp-to-Hire Vs. Direct Hire: What’s Best For Your Business?

When you need to start staffing your team with new workers, you’ll have some important decisions to make. Before you bring in viable candidates or even start sifting through resumes, you’ll need to make a choice: will you work with a temp agency to bring in short-term workers (with the

3 Trends All Job Seekers Need to Know for 2019

Finding a job in 2019 isn’t the same as it was ten or even five years ago. With the rise in digital technology and a growing economy, employers are changing the ways they look for potential employees. So what should you know if you’re looking for a job this year?

job agencies

3 Steps to Take After an Unexpected Job Layoff

Although gender-diverse and ethnically-diverse companies are 15% to 35% more likely to outperform their peers, sometimes even an incredible workforce and an amazing culture can’t save a struggling organization. When faced with a grim financial future, many organizations will resort to laying off valuable members of their business in order

temp service

3 Ways to Select A Great Temp Agency

Statistics show that retaining employees is becoming a growing concern, with 57% of companies citing this as an issue. An estimated 22% of newly hired individuals leave their position within their first 45 days. In addition, 46% of human resources authorities report that their primary concern is retaining employees, and

How to Build Your Professional Network and Who to Connect With

    Building a professional network is one of the best ways to uncover exciting career opportunities. Forming the right connection can completely change the course of your career and greatly impact your long-term success—especially if you’re new to your profession. Nevertheless, growing your professional network doesn’t happen overnight. Fortunately,

find a new job

3 Psychological Subtleties To Apply To Your Next Resume Edit

Just the word resume can bring a shudder to candidates and hiring managers alike. Whether it’s applicants toiling over what to include or omit from their resumes or hiring managers dreading a stack of hundreds of resumes to sift through, they remain a necessary evil. They don’t have to be evil, but

help finding work

Can Social Media Help You Find a Job?

In the digital age, many of us rely on our social media accounts to keep tabs on local events and favorite companies or communicate with friends and family. But it’s actually not all fun and games. In many cases, you can even find (or lose!) a job with help from

help finding a job

5 Ways to Speed Up Your Job Search and Find New Employment Fast

Come the first of the year, surges in job listings can make it easier for those on the job hunt to find the right fit. But even though there are more opportunities to choose from, that doesn’t mean you’ll be guaranteed to be hired quickly. Whether you’re in a time

unusual interview questions

How to Answer Unusual Interview Questions

  Things can get a little discouraging when you don’t know what to say in response to an interview question—let alone an odd one. One of the best ways to answer weird interview questions is to understand why hiring managers ask them in the first place. Unusual Questions Explained  We’ve

temp agency

Temp-to-Hire Vs. Direct Hire: What’s Best For Your Business?

When you need to start staffing your team with new workers, you’ll have some important decisions to make. Before you bring in viable candidates or even start sifting through resumes, you’ll need to make a choice: will you work with a temp agency to bring in short-term workers (with the

3 Trends All Job Seekers Need to Know for 2019

Finding a job in 2019 isn’t the same as it was ten or even five years ago. With the rise in digital technology and a growing economy, employers are changing the ways they look for potential employees. So what should you know if you’re looking for a job this year?

job agencies

3 Steps to Take After an Unexpected Job Layoff

Although gender-diverse and ethnically-diverse companies are 15% to 35% more likely to outperform their peers, sometimes even an incredible workforce and an amazing culture can’t save a struggling organization. When faced with a grim financial future, many organizations will resort to laying off valuable members of their business in order

temp service

3 Ways to Select A Great Temp Agency

Statistics show that retaining employees is becoming a growing concern, with 57% of companies citing this as an issue. An estimated 22% of newly hired individuals leave their position within their first 45 days. In addition, 46% of human resources authorities report that their primary concern is retaining employees, and

How to Build Your Professional Network and Who to Connect With

    Building a professional network is one of the best ways to uncover exciting career opportunities. Forming the right connection can completely change the course of your career and greatly impact your long-term success—especially if you’re new to your profession. Nevertheless, growing your professional network doesn’t happen overnight. Fortunately,

find a new job

3 Psychological Subtleties To Apply To Your Next Resume Edit

Just the word resume can bring a shudder to candidates and hiring managers alike. Whether it’s applicants toiling over what to include or omit from their resumes or hiring managers dreading a stack of hundreds of resumes to sift through, they remain a necessary evil. They don’t have to be evil, but

help finding work

Can Social Media Help You Find a Job?

In the digital age, many of us rely on our social media accounts to keep tabs on local events and favorite companies or communicate with friends and family. But it’s actually not all fun and games. In many cases, you can even find (or lose!) a job with help from

help finding a job

5 Ways to Speed Up Your Job Search and Find New Employment Fast

Come the first of the year, surges in job listings can make it easier for those on the job hunt to find the right fit. But even though there are more opportunities to choose from, that doesn’t mean you’ll be guaranteed to be hired quickly. Whether you’re in a time

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